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Bitch of the Past:
November 13, 2005

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(The Voice of reason Teresa from From Kansas Shitty)
Do any of you have the one most crappiest parents in the entire country? Okay, so I just had a baby like 2 months ago I would like her to be able to grow up and say good things about me but I can't do that with my mom. Oh no Im not going to tell my friends or anyone for that matter, hey my mom used to be a alcholic crack head who slept in my car and stole money from me when I was only 16 years old. What the hell is wrong with her and now that I am getting some cash she wants to be a bitch to me because I am not going to buy her a car. Then she bitches because I don't bring my daughter over to see her much anymore, well what the fuck she has 2 legs and two arms she can drive her ass over her. And even then when she does watch her for me she complains. Well stay the fuck away then. Jesus... What a shithead!


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